Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Media!!!!!!

This is my new media, this material Is a kind of water color, but the differences from the normal water color is that this kind of water color is opaque, it has strong adhesion ability, which it can cover the previous layer of color well.

The above piece is an observational painting of a set of still life. The following painting is an abstract landscape painting, I changed some color to make the contrast pop out, and i also used thick brush just to illustrate to "movement" of the trees.

 It's a lot of fun to do painting like this!!! you don' t even have to worry if you are on the right track of painting the "precise" object, you just let the brush go with your heart and hand!~~:0

another drawing : )

this is a constructional-observational drawing, a combination of 7 geometrical objects. 
Constructional drawing means i have to draw every edges and angle of these objects even i can't see much of them, and illustrate less "light and dark". The purpose to do this is to get a better understanding of how these objects are shaped, and the features of them.  This piece is also 22 x 17 inches.

observational drawings~~~

this is a still life that i was drawing from

This is one of my observational drawing that i have been working on in an art studio in my town. This one is a complex combination of a group of chairs, in order to harmonize the wholeness, a round rock and a soft fabric are added.  It took me almost 4 and a half hour to finish this construction. It was really hard to find the precise shape and combination. Of course, the real piece is a lot bigger than this image looks, the real work is 22 x 17 inches

some pages on my IWB

These are some pages on my IWB, this page is my work on the autobiographical writing.

The following pages are the summary of what i have learned last year and some future goals, and there are also some photographs of my previous work.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

New Media for Me :)

There are many more where these come from, but I feel like I have already over posted :O

DtL Continued

Another water color from the class I took.

DtL Continued

(1st) Ehhh still not satisfied with that bamboo
(2nd) I was a bit frustrated at this point... having difficulty with this spot, I had trouble communicating the bamboo in the background.. I guess its my punishment for not sketching it first.
(3rd) I decided to just not include the bamboo and I had better results, composition and communicating

DtL Continued

More from Drawing the Landscape

Drawing the Landscape with Amy Bartlett Wright

I took an art class through RISD, "Drawing the Landscape".. I learned how to use certain colors and textures to make objects appear closer vs far away in the distance. The class toured the Blithewold landscape and picked exciting areas such as the pong with an old stone bridge and benches, or the fountains next to the river.. However, after my tour of the garden, I walked it again trying to pick a simple 1,2,3 spot (explained later) with a good composition, because I am strict about compositions.... It may sound easy but its actually really intimidating to be asked to draw a landscape.. Amy taught us how using "3 main points", in this photo #1 is the two trees in front with the most texture, #2 is the two trees in the upper middle ish that are further 'up' the page with less texture and # 3 is the blurry forest in the background. The main thing about your three objects is that #1 needs to be warm and textured like you could step on the soil and #3 needs to be cooler colored with not alot of personality, just kind of present. #2 is somewhere in between. After Drawing it, I painted the same spot with water color to try out my colors.